Post pornography of any kind, anywhere. - Pornography is banned here. Posting an image or link to an image or site that contains images of pornography will get you immediately and indefinitely banned. Hentai
is pornography.
Spam. - SPAM messages are posts with little relevance to a thread. Members are not allowed to create posts that are devoid of content or invaluable text. SPAM is only allowed in the S.P.A.M. section.
Troll. - Trolling is posting somewhere in order to get attention. This is also considered SPAM and is not allowed.
Flame other members. - Flaming is where a member disses, insults, embarrasses, etc. another member. It, too, is considered SPAM and is not allowed.
Minimod. - Minimodding is the act of a non-staff member stating what infractions another member may have committed. We have plenty of staff here so minimodding is unnecessary. This can be considered SPAM and is not allowed.
Make or use multiple accounts without admin approval. - If you're found with multiple accounts without the transfer, you will be penalized or banned.
Post offensive content. - This includes but is not limited to text, images, etc. You may NEVER bypass the word censor in any part of the community. Images with any kind of inappropriate words etc. are not allowed.
Posting multiple times in a row. - In some cases this is allowed but not many. Please refrain from doing this.
Posting foul language. - Many words are censored automatically but still refrain from using them.
Giving out person information. - Including actual name, social security number, place you are living, etc.
Respect other members. - If someone acts uncivil or out of line, you are not given the excuse to act the same in retaliation. This is called, "Feeding the trolls."
Stay on topic. - Be sure to stay on topic within the thread. Not doing so is SPAMing.
Additional Signature Rules
You may not embed videos into your signature. You may however put the link of the video in.